Tuesday, August 29, 2006

False Labour

In 2 days it will be the 38 week mark - 2 weeks before the official due date but you are still considered a full term baby. I can't believe that the time has come already and that I could go into laborur at any point. I have been feeling period like pains in my lower stomach since last night which I am pretty sure is false labour. My body is preparing itself to push you out and it's exciting and scary all at the same time.

We have spent the bank holiday weekend trying to pick a travel system pushchair for you and it is proving to be a near impossible task. There is so much choice and we can't tell the difference as we know nothing about these types of things. Your daddy was up for leaving it, going to pc world and buying a 32" lcd tv but i didn't think that it would be very useful to push you around in. Then your godmother Hannah offered to customise a sainsbury's trolley for you...

I have 3 more days left of work and so far today have emailed some people and been on the internet. Super productive member of staff. Should probably do some work now so I'll leave this post - it may even be the last post before you appear! Golly gosh....

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


From: Mamasan
To: h
Date: 15-Aug 06 12:12pm

Yeah! He's in the right position and his head is 'very well engaged'. Woo hoo!

From: h
To: Mamasan
Date: 15-Aug 06 12:18pm

Hahahahaha any day now!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

le baby shower

your auntie alison and godmother-to-be izzy threw a baby shower for your mamma and daddy. and you, of course. it was a bbq at izzy's house - only this being england, the weather was pretty crummy, despite it being august, so we mostly sat around the kitchen leaving the boys to brave the wind and frequent bursts of rain outside to tend the bbq. it was a lot of fun, they'd really gone all out on the decorations, and you and your parents were very spoiled with some lovely presents. some of the other girls were getting quite broody as your mamma opened presents of tiny little clothes, it was quite funny. there was talk of weddings and mortgages and babies, which kind of freaked me out because, hello, when did we all get so old and grown up?? by 6pm half of us had given up on the Pimms [a summer alcoholic drink, you'll discover it when you're older. much older] and were on cups of tea and jammy dodgers...

Friday, August 11, 2006

5 weeks to go.....

hello little one! Although you aren't really so little anymore. As people seem to like telling me, you could make an appearance at any time now. Everything seems to be moving along nicely - the appointments at the doctor have all been good and next tuesday we have our 36 week appointement at the hospital to see if you are in the right position and everything. I really, really hope that you are as the thought of a very difficult birth or a caesarean isn't making me that happy. So I'm perfecting my usual technique of not thinking about it!

Izzy and Ali have organised a baby shower for tomorrow afternoon which should be fun. I don't really have any idea of what to expect but I'm sure it will be a lovely afternoon no matter what happens. I have to remember to bring the camera to take lots and lots of pictures for you to look at when you are older.

The pregnancy itself is getting harder day by day as you pile on the weight. Heartburn is at it's worst especially when I wake up in the night. Been trying to prop myself up with pillows and have been virtually living on Rennie indigestion pills which help for a little while. I am also feeling a lot more tired and breathless but it's all to be expected and I can't moan too much seeing as I've had it so easy up until now.

We are gradually building up all of the baby stuff for you and hopefully by the end of next week we should have the majority of it. I washed all of the baby clothes, socks and scratch mittens and spent ages marvelling at the thought that I will have someone to put these tiny items on very soon. It's kind of mind blowing and I still don't think I'll realise the situation fully until you are lying in my arms...which is a weird thought in itself. Not much longer to wait and I really must get my bum into gear and sort everything out. One thing to be very happy about it the fact that i get to finish work in a couple of weeks! No more public transport for mummy....argh, mummy!!!