Sunday, August 13, 2006

le baby shower

your auntie alison and godmother-to-be izzy threw a baby shower for your mamma and daddy. and you, of course. it was a bbq at izzy's house - only this being england, the weather was pretty crummy, despite it being august, so we mostly sat around the kitchen leaving the boys to brave the wind and frequent bursts of rain outside to tend the bbq. it was a lot of fun, they'd really gone all out on the decorations, and you and your parents were very spoiled with some lovely presents. some of the other girls were getting quite broody as your mamma opened presents of tiny little clothes, it was quite funny. there was talk of weddings and mortgages and babies, which kind of freaked me out because, hello, when did we all get so old and grown up?? by 6pm half of us had given up on the Pimms [a summer alcoholic drink, you'll discover it when you're older. much older] and were on cups of tea and jammy dodgers...


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