Thursday, October 19, 2006

6 weeks

We have reached the 6 week point - the apparently magical time where you start to settle down a bit. You have been less vocal over the past couple of days i must admit...although that could be down to the gripe water which is working miracles and making you burp and fart like nothing I've ever heard before. We had a lie in until 11.30 this morning so I'm feeling slightly more human. I also managed to get my hair cut and highlighted yesterday and your daddy looked after you - he said you behaved very well for him.

Life seems to be getting in to some sort of a routine now. On Monday we go to the baby cafe at Cathnor Rd Sure Start. You didn't seem to like it there at all at first and screamed so much that they sent a health visitor round to the house to check that "everything is going ok and that I was coping". That was super - you really showed me up there! The H.V. was very nice though and you slept the whole way through so that made up for it.

After baby cafe we go to baby massage. The instructor is a lady called Vicky who shows us the techniques on her very scary doll. The other people in the class are Jacqui and Megan, Brenda and Max, Hayley and Alex, Millie and Clara, & Joanna and Jack. We use these classes as an excuse to eat lots of cake and biscuits which is not doing any good for trying to lose the pregnancy weight. If anything I think I seem to be putting more weight on...we may have to try baby boot camp.

Wednesday is the group at the holy innocence church near ravenscourt park. Lots more people there and again, more biscuits. Which is countered by walks around the park afterwards for fresh air and some exercise. Although my current exercise routine consists of walking around the shops and the occasional park. Really need to get going on some sit ups.

Thursday is baby clinic where you get weighed and which is where we will be heading off to very soon. I also need to book my 6 week check up. Argh - just remembered that you have a hearing screening at the hospital tmrw morning and I'm meant to be going on a mum's night out tonight.

Right now you are sleeping in your moses basket like a little angel - after much growling and fussing before you went to sleep. We have you daddy to blame for this "I-can't-go-to-sleep-in-case-i-miss-something" mentality....

Thursday, October 05, 2006

one month


So, young man, you've been around for a month now. Your eyes are open more than usual and you still like exercising your lungs. You seem to sleep quite a bit and according to your mamma you're getting better at sleeping at night time, but I'll let her write about that stuff. You're pretty strong for such a wee thing and are getting more neck muscle tone, although you still can't really hold your head up for too long.

Your mamma has been taking you to mother and baby groups [again, I'll let her write about them] and on Wednesday I met up with you guys in Hammersmith after one. You were wearing a retro orange towelling jumpsuit... totally the sort of thing we would have worn as 80s babies. Brilliant. Your mum came in, parked the buggy and had to run off to the bathroom. "If he wakes up and starts wailing, just pick him up."

Of course, as soon as she'd rounded the corner to the bathrooms, you woke up - loudly - so I gave you a cuddle, and right in the middle of screaming [no tears, which always makes me laugh. Just plain old wailing] you fell asleep, crazy boy. We had drinks and cakes and you slept most of the time in my arms, then my tardy sister eventually turned up and you woke up some and started grousing for food [but were stuck with a dummy, sorry].

Last weekend me and your mum went for lunch at Giraffe - your first restaurant visit! You were very good and slept the whole time. Once we'd paid the bill, we took it turns to go to the bathroom and while your mum was gone the people at the table next to us - who couldn't stop looking at you - started talking to me about you, asking questions, and I got all proud and show-offy. You bring that out in me. The amount of random people I'm like "that's my godson!" to, thrusting various photos in their faces... But look how gorgeous you are. Can't really blame me, can you??
