Woo Hoo!
We're almost at the 23 week mark and yesterday we went for the detailed scan at Queen Charlotte's hospital. I lay back and the lovely nurse covered my belly in warm goo and started poking at me. Then you appeared all cute and lovely on the screen. "There's the bladder" said the lovely nurse pointing at a blob on the screen, "There's a kidney, there's the other kidney, that's the heart". Neither of us (your daddy and I) could take our eyes of the screen and I had the most ridiculous grin on my face that just wouldn't go away. Then there was the tiny little curve of your spine and a tiny hand with teeny fingers. She asked if we wanted to know your sex, we said yes and then she told us "It's definitely a boy"!! Daddy immediately said "I knew it - I told you!" (I thought you would be a girl - sorry). It was the most amazing feeling seeing you on the screen and knowing that you are a boy...it made it everything seem even more real.
Unfortunately you had your head all the way down and tucked in so we were sent away for the hospital check up and I was told to drink lots of water and come back in a little while. Off we trotted to the other appointment where everything came back good there as well. Then we returned to the Ultrasound department where it was back onto the table but you were still in the wrong position. I was about to wet myself with the amount of pressure the nurse was using coupled with the amount of water that I had just drunk. Luckily she said to go and empty my bladder, have something sweet to eat and then come back again in 20 mins. 1 toilet trip and a cadbury's flake later I was on the table again and thankfully the chocolate had done the trick and she could take the needed measurements. You had your little legs crossed and we could see your feet, then your nose and lips - so adorable and unbelievable at the same time. All the necessary notes were taken, pictures printed off and we were sent on our way.
Your Grandad is off the states today and he said he's going to get you some little boy clothes. You are going to be one spoilt baby :oD
Unfortunately you had your head all the way down and tucked in so we were sent away for the hospital check up and I was told to drink lots of water and come back in a little while. Off we trotted to the other appointment where everything came back good there as well. Then we returned to the Ultrasound department where it was back onto the table but you were still in the wrong position. I was about to wet myself with the amount of pressure the nurse was using coupled with the amount of water that I had just drunk. Luckily she said to go and empty my bladder, have something sweet to eat and then come back again in 20 mins. 1 toilet trip and a cadbury's flake later I was on the table again and thankfully the chocolate had done the trick and she could take the needed measurements. You had your little legs crossed and we could see your feet, then your nose and lips - so adorable and unbelievable at the same time. All the necessary notes were taken, pictures printed off and we were sent on our way.
Your Grandad is off the states today and he said he's going to get you some little boy clothes. You are going to be one spoilt baby :oD